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It's a Family Affair!

Calll  me Jack Jack! Cause I'm crazy like that.
Whoo!  Hey blog readers.  Week #5 has come and gone, and it was tough one.  I felt like I hadn't lost weight all week, and that was partly my fault that I was buggin' all week about it because I weighed  myself a few times during the week, and I really shouldn't do that.  I should stick to my Saturday weigh ins.  I'm going to try to do that this week.  I just like the feedback I get from the scale, and that really isn't the best feedback tool to use.

I did have other signs that I was on the right track this week.  The scale hadn't moved, but I was able to pull my favorite pair of jeans on and off without unbuttoning and unzipping them.  My favorite t-shirt is more lose. I was able use a belt that was too tight before.  That was really great because I need said belt to keep my pants from falling down. :)  I definitely don't want to moon anybody. 

After it was all said and done, I did lose 2.6 pounds this week.  I feel very accomplished because Ol' Douchebag was riding my ass all week.  I put his picture up at my desk at work, and I'd look at him when I heard him telling me to skip my workout.  Then I'd look at the picture of me booting him in his ass.  I'd laugh, pick up my gym bag, and bang it out down in the gym.  Yeah...he really comes around when I don't feel like working out.  He doesn't temp me with food (YET) because I'm not depriving myself of anything.  I take it one day at a time.  Deprivation brings about failure, and I'm not going to fail.  I also refuse to say I'm dieting because I'm not.  I'm just eating better and feeling great.

It also seems that our journey to better health is rubbing off on my family.  This makes me super happy.  My dad actually started first.  He's lost weight and is in great shape.  I jumped in and so did my mom.  She told me yesterday that she's feeling fab-u-lous!  And my sister is with us too.  I am happy to say that our household is EIGHT pounds lighter this week.  My sister lost a little over 5 pounds!  I showed her how the livestrong app works (see previous post), and she's been using it to keep track of her calories.  She's also exercising too. 

I am so happy that we are doing this as a family.  We're a tight knit group, and we need all the support we can get.  The fact that we have each other's back as we go through this momentous change makes it easier.  We can share our ups, downs, struggles and of course successes. Sometimes, I like to take a moment, Pause, and think of all the wonderful things we will be able to accomplish once we meet our goals.  I know my sister and I both want to complete a half marathon, and I know we'll be able to do it one day.  Why??  Cause...we're incredible!   

P.S. - That heart rate monitor...I'm not believing it.  It told me once this week I burned 2,020 calories on the elliptical. Highly doubtful...but it still is great for aerobic training.  I'm also watching the Incredibles while writing this.  Great movie...awesome inspiration.  I want some super powers.

P.P.S - I know I've said this before, but try Zumba is you can.  My song choice this week is a Zumba routine.  It's one of my favs.  I'm not working out.  I'm partying!! 


  1. It sounds like you will need to find another favorite pair of jeans soon!! You are doing so awesome!! It is exciting to hear that your whole family is on board with this change. That is just fantastic!

    You need to stop checking your weight mid-week because your body is just tricking you, lol. You rock!!

    1. You are so right! I promise not to look at all this week! I'm going to stick to that too. Thanks for following me by the way. It makes me happy to see your there.


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