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I Broke It!

Hey Readers!  I hope everyone had a productive week.  Sometimes I find that short work weeks are more challenging than regular ones because your schedule is a bit out of wack.  Considering that I was at war with my body, I was a bit apprehensive about this week.  I just wanted to get myself back to "normal."  Get my schedule back on track. 

I admit that I haven't felt like "myself" lately.  I don't know if it due to me adjusting to being in a relationship again.  Maybe I was totally too pumped up for my birthday, and we all know how that ended.  I just know that I was tired not "moving."  I felt I was stagnant, and that plateau was just weighing on me.  More so than Doubting Thomas and his sidekick ever could.

Plateaus are tough.  And this one was even worse because I'm so close to the century club.  It seemed like I hit 90 pounds, and my body refused to budge.  Back and forth I went.  I was up. I was down. I was the same.  I was so frustrated, and then getting sick and not working out for a week.  That is sure fire way for me to totally derail and fall off. 

But I was sick and tired of it.  I kept telling myself everyday this week that I was going to break it.  I worked hard.  I increased my intensity.  I made my workouts more challenging.  I found that I was able to work out at higher intensities for longer periods of time, which made sense since I'm able to run more instead of walk during my intervals.

I felt different too.  Mentally, I was calm as the week went on. I started feeling like myself again.  I was diligently recording my food intake and making good choices.  I drank plenty of water.  I was surprised that I was able to work out over seven straight days considering how long it was I went without exercising.  Each day got easier to the point I felt I never missed a day.

So...what happened?  I BROKE IT!  I BROKE that bitch of a plateau.  I am more than thrilled.  I'm happy that the scale moved, but I'm ecstatic about the fact that I didn't let the plateau beat me.  I could have easily just decided not to keep going.  But that's not me anymore.  I couldn't wait to get back to working out.  I missed it.  I need it.  It keeps me sane and mentally focused.  I'm able to just clear my mind and sweat it all out.  I didn't need all that doubt weighing me down.  I got rid of it, and I'm better for it. 

If there is anything I learned from this is how mentally tough I really am.  I kept myself focused although all these doubts and negative thoughts were pounding on me trying to work themselves inside my head.  I Don't Need It.  I got rid of all of it.  I let them drip down my face with all that sweat.  Damn straight!

Side Note: I booked a trip to Jamaica for next year.  I hope to be below 200 when I go.  So... Next goal - Get below 200 pounds before June 19th.  Think I can do it?  I'm certainly going to try.

Also, if you have a few dollars to spare... I don't care if it's $1.00 or $5.00... Please donate to Step Out for Diabetes.  The link is at the top of the page.  I'm so close to my $200 fund raising goal.  I'd appreciate it so much.  Thanks!  The walk is in less than ONE MONTH!  Let's do it!

Lastly, I posted the 90 pound pictures under the Weight Loss Photo Page.  Take a look.


  1. Just a quick note of CONGRATS! Stay strong!!

    1. Thanks Nick. August was a tough month for me, but I got through it. Staying strong...


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