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My Photo Album

I thought it would be a good idea to have a pictorial journal of my journey.  I figure I'll post new pictures after each 15 pound loss. 

But first up, I'd like to share a few photos of myself over the years.
Official CSU Graduation Photograph. 
Weigh at approximately 340 pounds.

CSU Graduation May 2006

 My Cleveland State University MBA graduation was a very proud moment for me and my family.  It was also a time of personal turmoil for me.  School was very stressful so I treated myself with food.  I had some of my most horrific binges during this period.
Tampa Trip - Strawberry Festival
The photo below is from my very first work business trip to Tampa, FL.  We had a great time attending the Strawberry festival.  I was also very nervous about this trip because I didn't know what I would encounter when I boarded the airplane.  Asking for a seat belt extender was very well as worrying if I was causing any discomfort to the person sitting next to me.  The arm rests couldn't be lowered completely so I was technically "spilling" over from my seat to my neighbors.  Embarrassing!

After graduating, I continued to pack on more pounds mostly out of boredom than anything else.  This was my heaviest.  I was at about 360 pounds.  I went on the low carb diet about one month after this picture was taken.

I love CA!  You can see the Golden Gate Bridge in
the background!

In February of 2008, my family took a trip to California to visit family.  This was without a doubt the best airplane ride ever - at over 100 pounds lighter.  This picture was taken in San Francisco on a beautiful afternoon.  This picture also represents the pinnacle of my low carb weight loss.  I was about 229 pounds.  I was taken off the low carb diet soon after this trip due to complications and of course you know the rest of the story...which leads me to today.  If I knew then what I knew now...

I call this picture...the calm before the storm. (--->) 

My cousin sent me this picture from last summer.  I used this picture as a before shot for the weight loss board they are creating at work.  If they use my pictures and story, I'll let you know.  I look all shiny and whatnot. I think I was sweating like crazy in this picture because it was hot outside and I took my cousin around the house.  I was huffing and puffing like you wouldn't believe. 
My niece took this pictures of me yesterday (7/13/2012).  We were kidding around with the shirt I wearing so I decided to hug a tree.  These are the same jeans that I am wearing in the picture above in CA.  Cool, huh?  77 pounds down to date :)

New pictures to post!  These were taken yesterday (11/10/2012).  My Zen Master K.R. is giving me makeup lessons, and she did my makeup for me.  I was going out with some friends to see Sheryl Underwood.  She has an amazing talent, and I was very grateful for her generous offer.  We had a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to more lessons.  Not bad for 111 pounds down.

Happy New Year 2013!  I picked up this dress in Macy's.  This is the first time I've fit in a dress that is designed for a regular size 16.  A woman's size 16 is different than a regular size 16.  It felt fantastic to put this dress on.  I felt beautiful and accomplished.  It's going to be a great 2013!
1/25/2013 - I love any reason to dress up!  Had a great time going out with my girls.  Happy Anniversary!

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