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When Life Gives You Lemons...

Hey everyone! I know it's been a few weeks since I updated. During that time, I hit my three post-op milestone. I didn't have any doctor appointments or anything, but I have been trying different foods and textures. Some agree with me... and some don't. Matilda is still in control and she still runs the slow. I still feel restriction, and I'm eating a constant 800-1000 calories a day and eating four small meals. It seems to be working well. My appetite isn't out of control - even with my workout schedule, and I eat about every 3 hours or so.

Hi Matilda!
I have my surgery date
and tummy name on the back.
Speaking of Matilda, my tummy arrived about a week ago. My tummy pillow is a nice reminder of my surgery. She's cute and squishy. I also can toss her around if her namesake is acting up a bit. If any of your are curious as to where she came from, let me know, and I'll give you the deets. The dark blue portion of the pillow is pretty true. My stomach is shaped in that manner. The light blue part was cut away and discarded...never to be heard from again.

So, what have I been up to lately? Well, I've been working quite a bit which is why I haven't updated the blog lately. Work seems to be calming down so I can give you all an update. The last two-three weeks have been great. I've been trying some new foods. I've tried tempura shrimp and veggies, calamari and even made some protein pancakes. Matilda enjoyed all of them, but she's not too keen on the leftovers. I try to warm up as much food as possible in the oven instead of the microwave
Oy, Matilda! Calm down!
because Matilda doesn't care for dry foods. This time, I think it may have been too much oil. Matilda was pretty unhappy, and I took some anti-nausea medicine to help. I felt better in about an hour.

My workouts continue to improve. My first five weeks of my weight lifting program passed, and I can definitely see the results. I met with the gym trainer this past Friday to review my progress, and we agreed with some additional exercises for the next five weeks - including core work and an extra weight day. So, now I'll be doing weights 4 days a week - arms, chest, legs, and back. I'll include some core work 2-3 times a week, and continue with my cardio 6 days a week.

Yes! That does mean I will be weight training 4 days a week, and cardio 6 days a week. It does seem like a lot, but I really do feel great. I need to make sure I rest one day during the week to give my body some down time. I'm fitting into more of my clothes and wear the majority of my closet right now. I'm even fitting into shoes I couldn't wear a few months ago.

The trend line is the truth!
There is still an elephant in the room - the STALL. I've stalled again. I've been holding steady at 235 going on three weeks. My last stall was pretty discouraging, but this one isn't. Of course, I'd love to see the scale move, but I'm seeing so much more progress with my fitness improving that the scale is become less important. I'm no longer stepping on the scale everyday, but I am flexing my muscles in the mirror.

When I reviewed my weight loss graph on FitBit today, it really does reflect the true nature of weight loss. The trend will be a downward slope with periods of flat lines -- the plateaus. I'm just in my second, but I know I will have many more. It's so important to keep going. Don't get discouraged. Change up your routine - change your food choices. But, do not stop your forward momentum. I didn't gain the weight in 6 months, so don't expect to lose all the weight in 6 months.
Nope. Not today.

The surgery really is a tool. I have to set my goals and keep going. Today, it was extremely hard to get out of bed and get to the gym, but I got there. I was late...but I got there.

As the weather gets cooler and the snow starts to fall, it's going to get more challenging to get my workouts in, but I have goals. I am focused. Don't let outside factors distract you from your finish line. It's not a timed race, so take your time. Be nice to yourself. Matilda and I may have our moments, but we're stuck with each other. Permanently. This is our new normal. I plan on embracing it and squeezing the hell out of those lemons.

HW: 360 lbs (circa 2006)
SW: 278
CW: 235


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