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Perseverance is Key

Happy Monday, Readers. It's definitely been a week of developments. All week, my stall has been in the back of my mind nagging slightly, but not discouraging me. If anything, it was nagging me to work harder and not quit. I was very determined this week, and I also started my new weight training plan for the next five weeks.  There was some hella sweat and pain this week. I was tired, and I was suffering from muscle fatigue - which can be a good thing.

Muscles break down when stressed, and repair themselves, which makes you stronger. Friday, my leg day, incorporated and additional set of squats and lunges. So now I do wide stance and close stance on squats and walking lunges and side lunges. I thought nothing of the side lunges since they appeared to be quite innocent. My butt and legs are still sore...three days later!

My interval running has also improved. I notice that my heart rate isn't as high as it was when running intervals at 4 mph - which means my endurance is improving. I'm adding a few 1 minute 5 mph sprints, and I'm doing that twice a week.

So, at the end of the first week of my new weight regimen, I broke my stall and lost 5.6 pounds.

When I stepped on the scale this morning, and saw that I left the 230's behind, I felt quite emotional. We all know that the scale can be the bane of your weight loss existence, so you really take it with a grain of salt. My emotion stemmed from how well I handled this stall. I didn't run to the scale everyday like I did last time. I worked hard. I rested my body. I stressed my body. I even caught myself from making a bad mistake - which I'll explain later. In all of this, I kept on my plan. I knew what I had to do. I trusted the process, and I worked. When you put all of that faith in yourself and your plan, and you see results, it's so rewarding. I hadn't worked this hard at fitness since my last go-round losing weight. It felt amazing getting back to that place.

I'm also realizing how much Matilda is helping me. She's my favorite tool in my took kit because she is really helping me with my food portions and choices. She doesn't like desserts like cake and pie, which I appreciate, but she loves snacks - which can be very dangerous, which leads me to my biggest revelation this easy it is to get back into old habits.

I'm close to four months post-op, and I've handled most foods really well. I picked up some peanut butter filled pretzels from Trader Joe's a few weeks ago, and occasionally I'll have a serving here and there as a snack with some string cheese. This past week, I noticed that I was starting to think about those pretzels more and more. I was thinking about them...wondering and planning the next time I was going to eat them. Then, I was adding one or two extras to my snack portion. It won't hurt, right?

The last time I ate them, I knew I couldn't do it anymore because I was starting to think about them like I did all my food and meals before. Couldn't wait to eat them.... Thinking about them... Anticipating the next time I would eat them. Matilda helped me recognize my old habits creeping back in. I said to myself, "This is how I'm going to gain my weight back." It's a serving. Then, a serving and a few more. Then, two servings. I've done this to myself so much. I'm glad I caught myself this time. And sadly, there are foods I'm not going to be able to eat because they trigger old habits. Peanut butter pretzels, hot tamales, jelly bellies, swedish fish, lemon oreos, chips and french onion dip. Those are all of my trigger foods. My favorite snacks. I'm going to have to quit you.

I also realize that my cravings are going to be there, so I'm not going ignore them. I'll indulge occasionally to keep the beast at bay. Yesterday, I enjoyed a small amount of candy (chocolate - which isn't my fav) along with some peanuts and cashews. It was satisfying and tamed the crazed sugar beast. It didn't make me want to jump into the cabinet and gorge myself on anything. I ate my serving and was quite happy. I also vow not to eat one piece of candy tomorrow - no matter how bad I want to do it. I'll keep my tiny stash in the freezer and eat a piece here and there when the beast is restless. Plus, when you complete 75 minutes of Zumba, you deserve a treat.

Now, I know many in the weight loss community wouldn't agree with my approach. I personally don't care. What I've learned is everyone's journey is different. Everyone's body is different. I'm not going to deprive myself because I know the outcome won't be good for me. I want to be able to enjoy some things occasionally, and still my goals. I will work hard everyday so my cravings won't control me.

Zumba style!
Happy Halloween Everyone! Don't eat too much candy. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. That's going to be interesting...  Later!

Weight Loss Update
HW: 360
SW: 278
CW: 229.8
I promise, Matilda, I won't
do this to you on Turkey
GW: TBD...

*Take a look at the chart. It seems my stalls are occurring every five weeks. I wonder if this will happen in this next cycle.
**Although my highest weight was 360, my highest weight this time around was in July 2016 at 335 pounds... so, yes, I have lost 105 pounds!


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