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How Do You Handle Speedbumps?

Happy Superbowl Sunday everyone!  Do you have special plans for today?  My family is planning a small spread.  Some good foods and some not so good foods.  It's all in moderation folks.  Enjoy yourselves.  I'm definitely going to make sure I enjoy the guacamole and celery sticks.  That's a good treat that full of healthy fats.
I've had a lot on my mind this week.  Last week was quite exciting.  It was a huge milestone.  It was a time of reflection and celebration.  It also had me thinking about my next steps.  Getting in training mode.  Changing up my routine.  Getting my head ready.  It all starts this week, and I have to get used to taking Sunday off to rest.  So, I figure Sunday will now be my official blogging day.  It will give me something to do instead of focusing on the fact that I'm not working out.  I certainly don't want to replace one addiction (food) with another (excessive working out), so I'm glad I'm starting to take a day for me to just unwind and let my body rest.
I worked pretty hard this week too.  When working out, I try to give my all, and leave as much sweat on the gym floor as possible. When working out, I look like a sweaty hot mess.  My shirt sometimes has a sweat ring that reaches past my sports bra on the way to my belly button, and my back is completely soaked.  That may seem gross to some, but I take an extreme amount of pride in my sweat.  It lets me know I really worked out hard, and I didn't give up.
My normal routine calls for four days in the gym, and two/three days working at home.  This week, I went to work on Friday, and took a new class called UNLOADED.  The format is a 30 minute class.  2 minute intervals with a 30 second rest before the next interval.  Each interval consists of a 30 second exercise, and you go as hard as you can.  So... four exercises, all out effort, 2 minutes, 30 second break.  The exercises vary - Spiderman pushups, Scorpions, Burpees (yay!), High Knees, Jumps, Pushups... a very good mixture of cardio and strength.  It was very challenging and very awesome!  So, that was quite a workout - and I added 30 minutes on the elliptical and got my burpees in for the day too.
So, I'm not disappointed in the weight gain this week.  It's something that I must do and a necessary evil, but I'm not going to stress over it.  I'm being honest too.  I'm more interested in how I'm going to look going into this run in May, and personal training starts on Tuesday.  I'm sure I'll have lots to report next week.  I'm excited and nervous as hell.  Personal training on Tuesday and Kettlebells on Wednesday, and another session of UNLOADED on Friday.  This ought to be interesting.
Something else has been on my mind too.  The word "motivation" kept popping up this week.  Many people have said that they have been motivated and inspired by my journey, and that is so flattering.  It really wasn't my intention.  I was just hoping to share my story so others who were struggling like me knew they weren't alone.  To know that I'm impacted many people is unbelievable, and it makes me want to work even harder.  So, I thank you.  Again, it's very humbling.
Motivation.  Will Power.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I've written about will power before.  I think people give the term will power more power than it deserves.  My father and I have had lengthy discussions about it.  We are both of the same philosophy, and some may find it rather "harsh," but it's just our opinion. 
I don't feel that I can motivate anyone.  "A need or desire" must drive you "to ACT."  I cannot do that for you.  You can only do that yourself.  You feel a need and desire to change your eating habits and/or start to move, and you take that first step.
The first step you take doesn't mean, "Oh, I'm going to start exercising and eating right."  If it does, then the first time you don't get your expected results, you will stop.  The first step means, "I'm going to do this, and nothing* is going to stop me from moving in this forward direction."  I say nothing with an asterisk because there will be some circumstances that occur that may cause some need to "rearrange."  But, my question to you is, how do you handle it?  How do you handle life's speedbumps?
I've had many speedbumps.  Scheduling conflicts.  Negativity.  Doubting Thomas and Murphy's Law.  Illness.  Exhausting.  Laziness.  Boredom.  Jealousy.  Romance.  Break Ups.  Trips.  Food.  Temptations.  Family Obligations.  Work.  I've seen myself get derailed once during this process.  I felt myself slipping.  Luckily, I was able to recognize it, manage it as needed, and got myself back on track and moving in a forward direction. 
Your success in any endeavor will depend on how you handle your speedbumps, and where you decide to prioritize your health and well-being.  It will take planning and dedication, and no half-assed efforts.  You can't let outside factors take control of your forward momentum.  Take a minute and just think.  What is important to you?  Where does your health and well-being lie on your priority list?  Don't let life speedbumps take you out.  Take a minute.  Slow down. And roll over those bad boys.  Never Stop your forward momentum.


  1. You are awe inspiring! It is incredible to look back at how far you have come and to look forward with you to see all of the awesome adventures you will be going through!!


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