So about a week later, I looked on-line for the first charm I wanted to purchase. Let me revive your memories in case you don't remember. I decided to purchase this one before the Tiffany Bag charm because it's availability may be scarce since it's designed by Paloma Picasso (Pablo Picasso's youngest daughter). Picasso is one of my favorite artists so I wanted something to remind me of him and Spain - where I was able to view some of his famous work in person. Sadly, I discovered that the charm could not be found anywhere on the website. I called Tiffany's Customer Service to inquire about the charm, and was informed that the charm was out of stock, and there wouldn't be any available until June. I then asked about charm availability in the stores, and the service rep stated that they could not guarantee that the charm would be at the Pittsburgh store when I went. However, if I really wanted the charm, I could reserve it and it will be sent to me when it's in stock in June.
Good day Blog Readers! I'm happy to say that week 10 went a hell of a lot better than week 9. Work is still very busy, but I like it that way. It keeps me busy, and it makes the day past quickly.
This week resulted in my fastest 3K walk-run. I'm made it up to 3.3 miles in 60 minutes so each week I'm going to push for a 0.1 mile increase in an hour. So, by the end of next week I should be at 3.4 miles. I was also able to run for 2 minutes straight. I also feel that my running posture is getting better. I'm paying attention to how I place my feet when I walk and run, making sure that I lead with my heel and keep my head elevated. It really makes a difference and harbors less stress on the body.
So, have you noticed my moodies? They are pretty good at visually describing how I've been feeling. My mood for this week is very optimistic. In fact, I'd say my glass is over half-full. And why is that? Because I'm over half way to my first goal. I need to lose 61.2 pounds to reach my first goal, and I only have 27 pounds left to go! YAY!
I must admit that I never expected to lose as quickly as I have, and I know the weight loss will taper off soon. I can't lose at this clip forever. In fact, I've been losing more weight these last few weeks. This all correlates to when I started my interval training twice a week on the treadmill. Each week, I've lost more and each week I've pushed for a faster time so I'm increasing intensity. I also make sure to keep tabs on my heart rate to make sure I'm not overdoing it. I want to work out safely.
So, perhaps I'll be visiting Tiffany's sooner than planned. As a matter fact, there's something I need to share with you...and it starts with this picture.
When I realized that I was losing consistently and it was possible I'd meet my first goal early, I took it upon myself to research a bit about how I wanted to visit Tiffany's & Co. in Pittsburgh (closest store location). I emailed the store and told them what I wanted, and let me tell you...they were very excited about my plans.

I must admit I was a bit nervous about reserving the charm. If I do this, will I be jumping the gun? Will this act cause me to derail on my journey? Am I being too optimistic...or arrogant at my success thus far? In the end, I decided to reserve it, and when it arrived in June, I'd just hold it and not open it until it was time for my First Goal Celebration.
To make a long story short, I was surprised to find an e-mail from Tiffany & Co. stating that the charm was on it's way several months early. OH NO!!! I'm doomed! (Don't worry...I'm internally smirking at myself over my silliness) Actually, I decided to get the Wardens (my sister and niece) involved. They were given strict instructions.
- When the package is delivered, take it and hide it.
- If I ask to view the box, they can bring it to me. But I can't open it.
Can I just say...they took it a step further. I asked to see the box today. They had to have a mini-conference before my niece retreived it wherever it was hidden. They wouldn't let me touch it. I couldn't even hold it or look at the label of the box. My sister put it on the table, and I was able to take a picture of it so I could share it on the blog with you, and then I promised her I'd deleted it. And I did. I deleted it on my phone, and now she's looking at me sideways because it's still on my obviously I better erase it on my laptop...or ELSE!
I have to thank my sister and niece for taking this task very seriously. I appreciate their support. That little box is a huge motivator. I'm Patiently Waiting... Gonna get that bracelet and see that charm. SOON!
I cannot wait to see that bracelet and charm on you!!! You totally deserve them!!!!! I cannot express how proud I am of you. You are the best!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait either! It will be an exciting day. Can't wait to share it with you.