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Sweet, Sweet Treats?

Hey everyone!  It's a beautiful day in NE Ohio.  I mean we are pushing 70 degrees here in Ashtabula.  The windows are open.  The sun is shining.  I'm Feeling Good.  Well, I am kind of feeling good.   I'm a bit sore.

As you know, I'm training for the Cleveland Half Marathon on 5/19.  I'm planning on walk/running.  I hope to do a 5 minute run/1-2 minute walk interval hoping to finish before 2 hour 50 minutes.  I hold myself if I accomplish that goal, I'll get myself another Tiffany charm, and this one I'll get when I travel to NYC at the end of June. 
Anyway, yesterday was my first outdoor run since last year.  Back then I was completing slow intervals, and the most I ran was 4 miles.  I usually finished 4 miles in one hour.  My training protocol has me running 3 times a week, Monday and Wednesday, with my long run on Saturday.  Right now, I'm practicing 3 min run/2 min walk, and I'm running at 5 mph and walking at 4 mph.  This past Saturday, I completed 5 miles in 1 hr 9 min outdoors.  That's my best time to date. 

It's vital that I get my long runs in on the road.  I want to mimic the conditions of the run so there aren't any surprises.  I also got fitted for proper running shoes, and they worked out fantastic.  I was very tired after finishing that tired that I actually ended up taking a nap while preparing my Pad Thai (more to come on that).  No worries.  I napped during the resting period.

So, I'm pretty tired and sore today.  Here's to hoping these aches and pains improve over the next few weeks.  I'm pretty pleased with my run yesterday.  I hoping to improve on my time and work hard to accomplish all my goals.  Sometimes I can't even believe I'm able to run.  That's something I thought I'd never be able to do.

Now, for my Whole30 update.  It was another good week.  I'm still sleeping great.  I feel like my appetite has increased.  I did have one heck of a PT session this past Tuesday, and I don't think I did my best in Kettlebells this week.  My arms were like jello.  I don't know if my appetite increase has anything to do with my workouts, but I am listening to my body and feeding it as I feel I need to.  I've also eating post work out snacks on my heavy days.

If I've learned anything in these 22 days is that I really need to listen to my body and what it's telling me.  Getting in control of my eating and my cravings was really important to me. I have cut out quite a few food groups, and what's so funny is that I'm not really missing them.  I'm not missing cheese or Greek yogurt, milk, beans, bread...  Sure, a piece of pizza would be great right now, but it's not going to kill me NOT to eat something like that for a few more weeks. 

I think what's so surprising is that I've been able to cut out added sugar and artificial sweeteners for so long.  Even when I lost weight a few years ago on the modified fast, I was still able to rely on Splenda and get my sugar on.  The only sweets I'm getting in the Whole30 is through the whole foods I eat, and that's mainly fruit.  I am enjoying the fruit, and I'm even trying some items that I haven't in the past.
I'm a sugar fiend.  SUGAR FIEND!  I admit it.  I love candy.  I love sweets.  It makes me feel like I was predisposed to be diabetic because of my love of sugar.  I'm sure when Whole30 is over, I'll get some Jelly Bellies or Hot Tamales or Cherry Heads.  I'm just going to make it count.  I am really happy with how I'm feeling, and it has to do with the foods I'm choosing to eat.  I don't want to fully let this practice go, so when it's time to reintroduce grains, dairy, and beans, I will do so carefully and make smart choices on what foods I'll incorporate into my diet. I'm sure I'll have an occasional Jelly Belly.  That's something I feel I can manage throughout my life and not feel like I'm going crazy.  It's tough trying to slay the Sugar Demon, and in my case, I'm going to tame him. 

Lastly, I will say that I've been introduced to some amazing new foods.  This week I made Pad Thai - instead of noodles, I used spaghetti squash.  Instead of peanut sauce, I used another sauce with rice vinegar, coconut aminos (substitute for soy sauce), cayenne pepper, and orange juice.  It was fantastic.  I also made a salad dressing out of olive oil mayonnaise and added avocado, garlic, lime juice, and cilantro.  It is possible to eat holistically and find delicious foods.  After my Whole30 is up, I'm going to try another recipe for Mexican Chocolate, which came from the Nom Nom Paleo blog.  I'll continue to post pictures of all my creations.  Until next week my friends...

Here is my Pad Thai.  I'm not a big fan of snap peas, as the recipe calls for, but you can substitute other veggies.  I used cabbage, scallions, and onion.  The chicken thighs worked juicy and tender.  I purchased the "Well Fed" cookbook, which is written by Melissa Joulwan. I've tried many recipes, and they are fantastic.  I'm definitely having a lot of fun in the kitchen. 


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