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My Heroes

Hey all!  Another week has come and gone.  We are quickly approaching the end of 2012, and it certainly has me in a pensive mood.  I've been through so many changes this year - changes that I feel are for the better.  Makes me wonder what's in store for 2013.  I'm definitely not making any predictions because that's not the kind of person I am, and I'm not a person who makes New Year Resolutions either.  If I was, I would have lost weight a long time ago because I secretly make that resolution every year and to no avail...until this year.

Funny that it was really a move to save money that kind of spearheaded my journey.  At this point, I'm grateful for anything that got my ass moving into action. And as soon as I saw positive results, my entire being just changed and I got behind this endeavor 100%.  I remember getting on that scale back on 1/28 and seeing that 15 pounds gone.  That was a huge motivator for me.  But it wasn't just the scale.  Something...or should I say someone...made a even larger impact on me.  More than that number on the scale could ever show.

My supporters.  My motivators.  My encouragers.  My listeners.  My cheerleaders.  

My friends.  My family.  My readers.  My Heroes.

I have the most amazing support system.  I am truly blessed to know all of you.  I am fortunate to have you in my corner cheering me on.  You tell me when I need to stop.  You also tell me when I need to push.  You tell me never to give up.  You tell me to let my detractors be my motivators.  You tell me to ignore the scale and listen to my body.  You tell me to enjoy myself.  You tell me to run faster and jump higher and shake it harder.  You give me advice and point me in the right direction.  You hold my hand.  You understand, and even if you don't, you empathize.  Many of you have never been in my shoes and had the weight to carry that I did, but you never let me forget that you carried it with me.  And as I lost it, so did you, and your weight became easier to bear.
You always tell me that I'm your inspiration.  You say, "I'm setting the example.  I'm letting people know that it CAN be done." Well, I'm here to tell you that you are all my heroes.  You never gave up  on me, even when gained all that weight I lost several years ago.  You didn't criticize, laugh or talk behind my back.  You didn't push me, and you didn't question me.  You know how I felt about gaining all that weight back and you didn't point fingers or blame me.  You accepted me.  You were patient.  You had more faith in me that I had in myself. 
So I will make this promise to you.  I refuse to let myself go back to how I was.  I will always work hard to continue on the path I've chosen for myself and LIVE.  I will move forward. 
To all my family, my friends, my Bestie Eliza, my Zen Master K.R., my mini-Zen Master H.K., Bryn, my work mom and sister, The COOL GIRLS club, my Sorors, my Frat, my readers, and anyone else I forgot...  Please don't take it personally, you are all My Heroes, and you deserve so much more than I could ever give you.  Just know that I appreciate and love you all, and I won't let myself go.  Never again.
On a happier less sappy note (rolling eyes), I will not be blogging next week since I'll be in VA with one of my heroes listening to the awesomeness that is Dave Matthews Band.  Only 5.6 pounds left to 220... Let's keep that momentum going.  30 by the 31st!


  1. I have watched you from the beginning of this journey and I could not be more prouder or happier for you! Bestie, you are my hero! Your journey is a fabulous adventure that I am privileged to be a part of! Love you!

    1. I love you too. I'm so happy to have your support and encouragement. You were always there to cheer me on or give me a kick in the ass. You always seem to know what I need, and I'll be forever grateful for having you in my life.

  2. My friend, you give me something positive to look forward to every week with this blog. Thank you for being AWESOME!!

    1. Thank you for being you! I love ya! And I can't wait to see you this weekend!


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