Greeting Blog Readers. I hope you didn't think that I fell off the wagon into a vat of Belly Flops (irregular Jelly Bellies). Quite the contrary. I spent the last two weeks just decompressing and getting my head right. I'm happy I took that time, too, because for the first time in 18 months, I'm starting to feel like my old self again. I'm also thinking with more clarity since I don't have the haze of sugar clouding my judgement. Hello. My name is YahMoorah, and I am a sugarholic. It's been 27 days since my last binge. I haven't had any candy. None. I don't count the three chocolate covered strawberries I had to celebrate the New Year either. They were nice, but they are definitely not a trigger food. I had dessert over the holidays. I thought hard about how I was handling that. I worried about it. I even remember thinking that it was the refrigerator. Calling me. I looked forward to it. I wanted it, and I couldn't wait until it was ...
Join me as I find my way back to health and vitality... Goals will be set and accomplished. Recipes will be shared.