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Showing posts from December, 2014

Confessions of a Sugarholic

Gosh, I’m dying.  Do I have the shakes? What’s wrong with me?  What do I do?  I swear I have the shakes. Do I turn left or right?  Left or right?  If I turn left, I know what will happen.  If I turn right, I’ll just go home.  Well, if I go today, I won’t go next week I swear.  This will be the last time.  So, I turn my car left instead of going home. Next week…. Gosh, I’m dying.  Do I have the shakes? What’s wrong with me?  What do I do?  I swear I have the shakes Do I turn left or right?  Left or right?  If I turn left, I know what will happen.  I should just go home.  But, if I do go today, I won’t go next week I swear.  This will be the last time.  So, I turn my car left instead of going home. And the next week…. And so on. This is the conversation I’ve been having with myself every time I leave work.  Sometimes I have this conversation on Tuesday.  Sometimes Wednesday....