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Showing posts from January, 2014

Hard. Work.

Happy Sunday everyone.  I hope you all had a good start to your first work week in the New Year.  According to studies, the first Monday after the new year is the most depressing day of the year.  I guess it has something to do with getting back to work after the holidays.  I don't know about you, but I was quite optimistic.  I didn't go into work until Tuesday, and I was ready to get back to the gym because I missed it. I'm also approaching 2014 with a different plan.  Like I mentioned before, I'm focusing on 6 goals that I hope to complete by the end of 2014, and I'm working with my trainer to make sure I get there.  So before I took the plunge and go going, we needed to meet to develop a plan., and my plan focusing on strength building and conditioning. We were scheduled to meet after our Kettlebell class on Wednesday, and I'll admit I was a bit nervous about stepping back in there knowing how poorly it ended last year in December.  I don't...

New Year, New Ideas

Happy New Year everyone.  I hope you had a very safe and happy holiday season.  I am very happy the holidays are over.  No more cookies.  No more candy.  No more crazy eating.  I'll admit that after my last blog post, I really watched myself.  I knew what I was going into, and I'd already sabotaged a good portion of my success in 2013.  I'm already starting 2014 going uphill so no need to make things worse by going food crazy. I'm happy to report that I haven't eaten any candy since my meltdown in December.  I figured that I need to start slow by getting rid off my sugar demons so I let the candy go, but I didn't eliminate all sweets and I had dessert here and there.  This past week, I only had one dessert.  This week I plan on having no dessert.  So far, I'm doing okay.  I'm taking it one day at a time.   I started tracking again using MyPlate on New Year's Day, which is the Livestrong app that I used so well ...