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Showing posts from 2014

Confessions of a Sugarholic

Gosh, I’m dying.  Do I have the shakes? What’s wrong with me?  What do I do?  I swear I have the shakes. Do I turn left or right?  Left or right?  If I turn left, I know what will happen.  If I turn right, I’ll just go home.  Well, if I go today, I won’t go next week I swear.  This will be the last time.  So, I turn my car left instead of going home. Next week…. Gosh, I’m dying.  Do I have the shakes? What’s wrong with me?  What do I do?  I swear I have the shakes Do I turn left or right?  Left or right?  If I turn left, I know what will happen.  I should just go home.  But, if I do go today, I won’t go next week I swear.  This will be the last time.  So, I turn my car left instead of going home. And the next week…. And so on. This is the conversation I’ve been having with myself every time I leave work.  Sometimes I have this conversation on Tuesday.  Sometimes Wednesday....

Finding Nature's Sweetness

Hey everyone!  I'm back for another installment of My Adventures in Transferring to Paleo Eating.  I certainly have new observations to share.  It's kind of fun using myself as a "test subject." So, how Paleo am I at this point?  I'll say I'm not all the way there yet, and I don't know if I ever will be 100% Paleo.  There is a lot of discussion about certain foods some Paleo eaters say are ok, where others say they aren't.  I'm not going to worry too much on the controversy, and I'm going to focus on what foods make me feel the best and render the best performance in the gym.  What I will say is that I'm most focused on getting rid of grains, beans, seed oils, dairy, alcohol, and sugar.  I had a really good week.  Food preparation on the weekends takes a lot of time, energy and patience, but it really worked out well, and as the week continued I found that I stopped eating in between meals and ate three meals.  At times, I eve...

Forging My Own Path

Well, I broke that New Year's Resolution pretty quick, didn't I?  I said I would try to blog weekly, and I haven't looked at this blog in quite some time.  I'm sorry about that.  Sometimes, I just don't have much to share or talk about.  Rest assured that I haven't stopped doing what I need to do to maintain.  I will say that since January I have been going through quite a bit of self-reflection, and I going to share with you some of my conclusions. For those of you that have been with me since day one on my journey, you know I had two specific goals in mind.  Let me restate those: Weigh 160 pounds. Get off of all of my medications I knew it was easier said than done, and I planned on tracking my calories - creating that all-mighty calorie deficit so I could lose 1.2 pounds a week and get there in three years time.  My first year was highly successful, and I was running way ahead of schedule.  My second year started with me feel...

Hard. Work.

Happy Sunday everyone.  I hope you all had a good start to your first work week in the New Year.  According to studies, the first Monday after the new year is the most depressing day of the year.  I guess it has something to do with getting back to work after the holidays.  I don't know about you, but I was quite optimistic.  I didn't go into work until Tuesday, and I was ready to get back to the gym because I missed it. I'm also approaching 2014 with a different plan.  Like I mentioned before, I'm focusing on 6 goals that I hope to complete by the end of 2014, and I'm working with my trainer to make sure I get there.  So before I took the plunge and go going, we needed to meet to develop a plan., and my plan focusing on strength building and conditioning. We were scheduled to meet after our Kettlebell class on Wednesday, and I'll admit I was a bit nervous about stepping back in there knowing how poorly it ended last year in December.  I don't...

New Year, New Ideas

Happy New Year everyone.  I hope you had a very safe and happy holiday season.  I am very happy the holidays are over.  No more cookies.  No more candy.  No more crazy eating.  I'll admit that after my last blog post, I really watched myself.  I knew what I was going into, and I'd already sabotaged a good portion of my success in 2013.  I'm already starting 2014 going uphill so no need to make things worse by going food crazy. I'm happy to report that I haven't eaten any candy since my meltdown in December.  I figured that I need to start slow by getting rid off my sugar demons so I let the candy go, but I didn't eliminate all sweets and I had dessert here and there.  This past week, I only had one dessert.  This week I plan on having no dessert.  So far, I'm doing okay.  I'm taking it one day at a time.   I started tracking again using MyPlate on New Year's Day, which is the Livestrong app that I used so well ...