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Showing posts from August, 2012

Keeping Calm… Moving On…

Hey blog readers. Sorry for the late posting. This past weekend was crazy busy. I had two family dinners and caught up with my bestie. I was able to get an interval walk/run in on Saturday morning. I haven’t run outside in over a month. I figured that since I hadn’t run in a while, I’d have a poor time, but I still finished with my best time yet. Each time I get faster which is what I’m aiming for. I think I’m going to pick up intervals again during the week too. Give myself a chance to do it two times a week – once on a treadmill and once outside. Hopefully, the extra day will give me more opportunities to trim my time. Well, regarding my weigh in on Saturday… I’m trying to not let it bother me too much. I gained 0.6 pounds. Nothing like what happened a few weeks ago. I steadily tracked all week and exercised 6 out of 7 days. So based on that information, one of two things happened. 1. I’m gaining muscle. Muscle is denser and weighs more than fat. However, it takes up way l...

With Changes Comes New Opportunities...

Hey Readers!  Last week was a wake up call for me.  I learned a lot about maintaining focus and remembering why I am doing all of this.  This isn't something temporary.  It's permanent.  It's how I will live my life.   Now that I've had a week to reflect back on what I did and where I went wrong, I am better able to watch for those patterns and try to get myself back on track.  This week definitely went better.  I was back to my routine and although there was a spontaneous change toward the end of the week, I was  able to adjust to it, and keep my head together.  I'm also learning that spontaneity can be a good thing, and I need to learn to adapt to quick changes and make adjustments that will continue to support my life goals. I guess this is all leading up to my mood for the week.  I'd say it's BLISS.  Something very good - life altering for me - happened this week.  I guess you can say I've never been hap...

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Hey everyone!  I'm back.  I survived.  I'm still breathing.  I'm not panicking.  I'm not hyperventilating.  The world did not spinning off it's axis.  An asteroid did not hit the earth.  So, I bet you're wondering why I'm spouting off all these doomsday prophecies.  Well, the inevitable occurred, and I find irony in it since it happened right after my six month anniversary.  I gained.  I gained weight.  I did not lose this past week.  And, I'm actually surprised at how I'm handling it. If this had happened earlier in my journey, I'm sure I would have handled it differently.  I probably would panicked.  Had a melt down beyond epic proportions.  I swear I'm not usually full of drama.  I despise it in fact since I like to live a drama-free life.  I do find that when drama does infiltrate my life, I invited it in.  This situation is no different. Now, I know that a weight gain of 2.5 po...